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Coraline Wang

My sustained investigation is about how social expectations encourage a person to change, so they don’t become outcasts. Few questions that guided my work were; if we don’t follow the expectations, what will be the consequences? How much is too much to change a person? Break down? Lose yourself? Is it worth it to lose yourself to gain acceptance? Is it worth bending to societal standards if you go crazy in the process? 

In image 2 and 3, I portrayed that society has high expectations of celebrities. In image 2, celebrities strive to follow the latest trends for more money. In image 3, people think celebrities enjoy fame while they actually may not want these pictures to expose their personal life. In images 1 and 5, I portrayed my feelings of restriction towards social norms. To avoid exile, people have to act like the others to fit into society. In image 4 and 7, I portrayed the different social expectations among different groups of people. Image 4 showed gender expectation while image 7 showed the different cultural expectations of different countries. In image 1,3,4,5, and 7, I used the medium of color pencil. In image 2,6,8, and 9, I used the medium of watercolor and colored pencil.

student presentation

sustained investigation work

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