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Trinity Cha

The central idea of my sustained investigation questions the female experience as an athlete—especially in relationships of power: between individuals and corporations, coaches and players, women and society. My goal is to share perspectives, bring understanding, and empower a movement towards true equality.

Image 1 criticizes how companies’ media campaigns don’t align with what goes on behind the scenes. Images 2-6 draw parallels between my coach forcing me to pick up my jersey from his feet and picking up candy from a man’s feet while trick-or-treating. Females are put in this position where they must figuratively bow at the feet of a coach who knows they want the candy. Image 2 did not do justice to portraying this feeling of being made small, so in images 3-5 I experimented with creating a large installment piece, working through scale, proportions, and my confidence as an artist to experiment with new techniques. In images 7-9, I experimented with pastels and shoe tread in order to portray an image that had been walked on. In image 10, I utilized a black background and soft graphite to illustrate an issue that is often kept in the dark, where it is hazy and hard to see.

student presentation

sustained investigation work

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