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Matthew Sun

What is the relationship between a parasite and its host? And how does this phenomenon in nature reflect mental illness? I was fascinated with the idea that people who are suffering from mental illness are not actually their fault, it is an outside force that causes them to be abnormal. In other words, patients are victims. 

I used the word “parasited” to refer to people affected by mental illness. Image 1 and 3 are the basic concept of how people perform after getting “parasited” an idea which I am going to use in the rest of the series. I did this because I know sometimes people do not realize what situation they are in. When the problems come, they simply think that it is just a low mood or something that is harmless. For image 4, I depict how suffering from mental illness becomes a lifelong problem, there is no way to completely remove, or heal from it. Image 7 is a collage piece I did with The Great Wave off Kanagawa. I have read the research about how water helps I create these artworks because I want to appeal to people to take care of patients, I want them to be more accepted by society.

student presentation

sustained investigation work

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